Nucleic Acid Extractions

Interested in Nucleic Acid Extractions?

We offer the following and more, starting as low as $10 per sample. Other extractions available upon request.


MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Kit – $15/sample

MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit – $20/sample

MagMAX™ mirVana™ Total RNA Isolation Kit – $10/sample

Ready to submit samples?


Step 1) Follow this link and submit a request for your project

Step 2) Schedule a drop off of your samples. You can bring the samples directly to us or ship the samples. You can find us at

Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1111 Highland Avenue
Room 2700, Floor 2, West Wedge
Madison, WI 53705